

Um der wiederholten und anhaltenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden, veröffentlichen wir unsere Quellenliste!

Sie ist lang und die Kriterien für die Auswahl waren mal subjektiv, mal objektiv, mal nostalgisch, mal kanonisch, mal qualitativ, mal quantitativ, mal populär und mal obskur. Eine Nennung ist noch keine Empfehlung, Vieles liegt uns am Herzen, Manches lehnen wir ab. Das meiste macht enorm viel Spass!




2001: A space odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968)

A World Beyond (Brad Bird, 2015)

Android (Aaron Lipstadt, 1982)

Andromeda (Gene Roddenberry, 2000)

Autómata (Gabe Ibàñez, 2014)

Back to the Future (Robert Zemeckis, 1985)

Big Man Japan (Hitoshi Matsumoto, 2007)

Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982)

Brave New World (Burt Brinckerhoff, 1980)

Contact (Vladimir Tarasov, 1985)

Escape From New York (John Carpenter, 1981)

Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2015)

eXistenZ (David Cronenberg, 1999)

Forbidden Planet (Nicholas Nayfack, 1956)

Ghost in the Shell (Mamoru Oshii, 1995)

Ghost in the Shell (Rupert Sanders, 2017)

Grindhouse: Planet Terror (Robert Rodriguez, 2007)

Her (Spike Jonze, 2013)

HyperNormalisation (Adam Curtis 2016)

I, Robot (Alexander Trojas, 2004)

I’m a Cyborg but that’s ok (Park Chan-wook, 2006)

Johnny Mnemonic (Robert Longo, 1995)

Lo and Behold (Werner Herzog, 2016)

Logan’s Run (Michael Anderson, 1976)

Matrix (Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 1999)

Matrix Reloaded (Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski, 2003)

Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927)

Noise Gate (Vim Crony, 2013)

Power Rangers (Dean Israelite, 2017)

Replicant (Ringo Lam, 2001)

Return of the Jedi (George Lucas, 1983)

Robo Geisha (Noboro Iguchi, 2009)

Short Circuit (John Badham, 1986)

Short Circuit 2 (Kenneth Johnson, 1988)

Solaris (Andrei Tarkowski, 1972)

Stalker (Andrei Tarkowski, 1978)

Star Trek (J. J. Abrams, 2009)

Star Trek Beyond (Justin Lin, 2016)

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Nicholas Meyer, 1982)

Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977)

Surrogates (Jonathan Mostow, 2009)

Teens in the Universe (Richard Viktorov, 1975)

Teknolust (Lynn Hershman-Leeson, 2002)

Terror of Mechagodzilla (Ishirō Honda, 1975)

The Empire Strikes Back (George Lucas, 1980)

The Fifth Element (Luc Besson, 1997)

The Great Dictator (Charlie Chaplin, 1940)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Garth Jennings, 2005)

The Hunger Games (Gary Ross, 2012)

The Island (Michael Bay, 2005)

The Mars Generation (Michael Barnett (2017)

Total Recall (Paul Verhoeven, 1990)

Total Recall (Len Wiseman, 2012)

Tron (Steven Lisberger, 1982)

Tron: Legacy (Joseph Kosinski, 2010)

WALL-E (Andrew Stanton, 2008)

X-Men (Bryan Singer, 2000)





3% (Pedro Aguilera, 2016)

Astro Boy (Osamu Tezuka, 1963)

Astro Boy (Noboro Ishiguro, 1980)

Babylon 5 (J. Michael Straczynski, 1993)

Beyond 2000 (Judith John-Story & David Summons & Carmel Travers, 1985)

Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, 2011)

Firefly (Joss Whedon, 2002)

Futurama (Matt Groening, 1999)

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD (Joss Whedon & Jed Whedon, 2013)

Power Rangers (Haim Saban, 1993)

RuPaul’s Drag Race (RuPaul, 2009)

Star Trek (Gene Roddenberry, 1966)

Star Trek: The Next Generation (Gene Roddenberry, 1987)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (George Lucas, 2008)

The Handmaid’s Tale (Bruce Miller, 2017)

The Jetsons (Hanna-Barbera, 1962)

The Twilight Zone (Rod Serling, 1959)

VR Troopers (Haim Saban & Shuk Levy, 1994)

Westworld (Jonathan Nolan & Lisa Joy, 2016)





#urbancitizenship. Stadt und Demokratie. (Shedhalle (Hg.), 2016)

A History of the 21st Century (Gentry Lee & Michael White, 2003)

A Modern Utopia (H. G. Wells, 1905)

Alles war für immer, bis es nicht mehr war (Alexei Yurchak, 2006)

Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Robert Nozick, 1976)

Anthem (Ayn Rand, 1938)

Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand, 1957)

Binti (Nnedi Okorafor, 2015)

Bloodchild (Octavia E. Butler, 1995)

Blue Remembered Earth (Alastair Rexnolds, 2011)

Brave New World (Aldous Huxley, 1932)

Consider Phlebas (Iain M. Banks, 1987)

Count Zero (William Gibson, 1986)

Das Silicon Valley Mindset (Mario Herger, 2016)

De la terre à la lune (Jules Verne, 1865)

dea ex machina (Armen Avanessian & Helen Hester (Hg.), 2015)

Der Leopard am Kilimandscharo (Olga Larionowa, 1965)

Der Staat (Platon, ca. 380 v. Chr.)

Die granulare Gesellschaft (Christoph Kucklick, 2016)

Die Verwandlung der Welt (Jürgen Osterhammel, 2009)

Die Zukunft ist jetzt (Aidan Power & Delia González de Reufels & Rasmus Greiner & Winfried Pauleit & Kommunalkino Bremen e.V. (Hg.), 2016)

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (Cory Doctorow, 2003)

Dune (Frank Herbert, 1965)

Ecotopia (Ernest Callenbach, 1975)

Everything Belongs to the Future (Laurie Penny, 2016)

Excession (Iain M. Banks, 1996)

Future Shock (Heidi & Alvin Toffler, 1970)

Herland (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1915)

Hydrogen Sonata (Iain M. Banks, 2012)

Inversions (Iain M. Banks, 1998)

Iron Man (Ashlee Vance, 2015)

Island (Aldous Huxley, 1962)

Johnny Mnemonic (William Gibson, 1981)

Kolonialismus (Jürgen Osterhammel & Jan C. Jansen, 1995)

Kultur der Digitalität (Felix Stalder, 2016)

Lagoon (Nnedi Okorafor, 2014)

Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours (Jules Verne, 1873)

Look to Windward (Iain M. Banks, 2000)

Looking Backward 2000-1887 (Edward Bellamy, 1888)

Manna (Marshall Brain, 2003)

Matter (Iain M. Banks, 2008)

Mittag, 22. Jahrhundert (Arkadi & Boris Strugatzki, 1962)

Mona Lisa Overdrive (William Gibson, 1988)

Neuromancer (William Gibson, 1984)

Parable of the Sower (Octavia E. Butler, 1993)

Parable of the Talents (Octavia E. Butler, 1998)

Planet Magnon (Leif Randt, 2015)

Playground Robotics (Dominic Landwehr (Hg.), 2004)

Renaissance der Utopie (Rudolf Maresch & Florian Rötzer (Hg.), 2004)

Searching for Utopia (Gregory Claeys, 2011)

Silicon Valley (Christoph Keese, 2014)

Sterntagebücher (Stanislaw Lem, 1957)

Surface Detail (Iain M. Banks, 2010)

The Collapse of Western Civilization (Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway, 2014)

The Dispossessed (Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974)

The Forever War (Joe Haldeman, 1974)

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand, 1943)

The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood, 1985)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams, 1979)

The Inevitable (Kevin Kelly, 2016)

The Myth Gap (Alex Evans, 2017)

The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks, 1988)

The Second Machine Age (Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee, 2014)

The State of the Art (Iain M. Banks, 1991)

The Windup Girl (Paolo Bacigalupi, 2009)

Things to Come. Science. Fiction. Film (Christine Jaspers & Nils Warnecke & Gerlinde Waz (Hg.), 2016)

Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders (Samuel R. Delany, 2012)

Use of Weapons (Iain M. Banks, 1990)

Utopia (Thomas More, 1516)

Utopia (Ahmed Khaled Tawfik, 2008)

Utopia e disincanto (Claudio Magris, 1999)

Utopia for Realists (Rutger Bregman, 2016)

Utopie (Alexander Neupert-Doppler, 2015)

Utopien (Nicola Bardola (Hg.), 2012)

Vingt mille lieus sous les mers (Jules Verne, 1869)

Voyage au centre de la terre (Jules Verne, 1864)

Warum Europa eine Republik werden muss! (Ulrike Guérot, 2016)

We the Living (Ayn Rand, 1936)

Wie wir morgen leben (Simone Achtermann & Stephan Sigrist, 2017)

Wörterbuch der Science-Fiction (Peter Schlobinski & Oliver Siebold, 2008)





L’Atlas des Utopies (Le Monde, 2017)





A Cyborg Manifesto (Donna Haraway, 1984)

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (John Perry Barlow, 1996)

Accord de Paris sur le Climat (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2015)

Anarchie (John Henry Mackay, 1888)

Bundesverfassung (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, 1848)

Mundane Afrofuturist Manifesto (Martine Syms, 2013)

The 10 Droid Commandments (Wondaland Society, 2012)

The Road not taken (Robert Frost, 1916)

The Soul of Man under Socialism (Oscar Wilde, 1891)

United States Declaration of Independence (John Adams & Thomas Jefferson & Benjamin Franklin & Roger Sherman & Robert Livingston, 1776)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations General Assembly, 1948)





Address to the Women of America (Gloria Steinem, 1971)

Dankesrede Friedenspreis (Carolin Emcke, 2016)

Final White House Address (Michelle Obama, 2017)

HRCF Conference Speech (Ellen Page, 2014)

I Have a Dream (Martin Luther King, 1963)

Nobel Peace Prize Speech (Malala Yousafzai, 2013)

Women’s Rights are Human Rights (Hillary Clinton, 1995)





Mass Effect: Andromeda (BioWare, 2015)

No Man’s Sky (Hello Games, 2016)





(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones, 1965)

Acapella (Kelis, 2010)

Aerodynamic (Daft Punk, 2001)

Agartha, The City of Shamballa (I.F.O., 1998)

All is full of Love (Björk, 1997)

Ambient 1: Music for Airports (Brian Eno, 1978)

Autobahn (Kraftwerk, 1974)

California Love (2Pac & Dr. Dre, 1995)

Corporate Cannibal (Grace Jones, 2008)

Da Funk (Daft Punk, 1995)

Das Model (Kraftwerk, 1978)

Der lustige Astronaut (Die Ärzte, 1999)

Der Traum ist aus (Ton Steine Scherben, 1972)

Derezzed (Daft Punk, 2010)

Expo 2000 (Kraftwerk, 1999)

Freedom of Choice (Devo, 1980)

Get Along With You (Kelis, 1999)

Giorgio by Moroder (Daft Punk, 2013)

Good Vibrations (The Beach Boys, 1966)

I Whis I Were Amanda Lepore (Sharon Needles, 2013)

In the Year 2525 (Zager & Evans, 1969)

Intergalactic (Beastie Boys, 1998)

Interstellar – Main Theme (Hans Zimmer, 2014)

King of my Castle (Wamdue Project, 1999)

L’Internationale (Pierre Degeyter, 1888)

Living for the City (Stevie Wonder, 1973)

Making of Cyborg (Kenji Kawai, 1989)

Marylin Monroe (Sevdaliza, 2015)

Millenium (Der Countdown Läuft) (Aleksey, 1999)

More than a Feeling (Boston, 1976)

Mr. Roboto (Styx, 1983)

Musik of Star Wars (John Williams, 1977)

My Body is a Cage (Arcade Fire, 2007)

My Way (Frank Sinatra, 1969)

Neuköln (David Bowie, 1977)

New York, New York (Frank Sinatra, 1979)

No Scrubs (TLC, 1999)

On the Run (Pink Floyd, 1973)

Oxygene (Jean-Michel Jarre, 1976)

Prime Time (Janelle Monáe, 2013)

Q.E.E.N. (Janelle Monáe, 2013)

Rain (The Beatles, 1966)

Robby Roboter (Das Modul, 1996)

Rocket Man (Elton John, 1972)

Rocket Man (William Shatner, 1977)

Schritt für Schritt ins Paradies (Ton Steine Scherben, 1972)

Scream (Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson, 1995)

Sorry (Beyoncé, 2016)

Space Oddity (David Bowie, 1969)

Superstition (Stevie Wonder, 1972)

Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (Eurythmics, 1983)

The Rain (Missy Elliott, 1997)

Theme from Star Trek (Alexander Courage, 1966)

Theme from Star Trek the Motion Picture (Jerry Goldsmith, 1979)

Tomorrow Never Knows (The Beatles, 1966)

Try Again (Aaliyah, 2000)

Tusk (Fleetwood Mac, 1979)

UFO (Quetschenpaua, 1991)

Violet Stars Happy Hunting (Janelle Monáe, 2007)

Voodoo Child (Slight Return) (The Jimi Hendrix Experience, 1968)

Who’s Next (The Who, 1971)

Willie the Pimp (Frank Zappa, 1969)

Working on Wonderland (Sookee, 2011)

Zero Time (Tonto’s Expanding Head Band, 1971)





Le corps utopique (Michel Foucault, 1966)

Les hétérotopies (Michel Foucault, 1966)

Möglichkeiten der Utopie heute (Theodor W. Adorno & Ernst Bloch, 1964)
